Catching up with the Captains

This category contains 5 posts

Catching up with the Captains: Sarah Viebrock

Sarah Viebrock Senior Carmel, NY   1. How did you get into tennis? I played for fun at a Summer club when I was 6, and eventually my coach encouraged me to play year round.   2. What brought you to QU? The campus, the team, the coach          3. If you had ten words … Continue reading

Catching up with the Captains: Logan Riker

Logan Riker Redshirt Junior Bowling Green, OH 1. How did you get into volleyball? I was always tagging along to my sisters tournaments starting when I was 5. I claimed I was the assistant coach for the team and just fell in love with it. I started playing when I was 8—as soon as I … Continue reading

Catching up with the Captains: Jill Strassner

Jillian Strassner, Women’s soccer Redshirt Junior Avon, CT 1. How did you get into Soccer? I come from a big soccer town where everyone plays as early as five years old. I was a super hyper kid, so a sport with a lot of running made me a little calmer for my parents. 2. What … Continue reading

Catching up with the Captains: Katie Wood

Katie Wood, Rugby Grad Student Hamilton, NJ   1. How did you get into Rugby? When I studied abroad in Ireland my Sophomore year, I became really interested in rugby but never got a chance to join a team while I was abroad. When I came back to QU for my Junior year, I got … Continue reading

Catching up with the Captains: Philip Suprise

Philip Suprise, Men’s Soccer Senior Milwaukee, Wis. 1. How did you get into soccer? I’ve been playing soccer my entire life. My dad grew up playing the sport as well and was quite good. He was definitely the strongest influence to stay committed to the sport. 2. What brought you to QU? I visited a ton of … Continue reading

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